and& Festival

Prototype & research on how to boost cohesion in a city


and& Festival has a legacy of focusing on how technology can positively impact society. But to spark real change, you need to be able to change human choices and behaviour. So we set out to do behavioural research for intervertions that could spark positive behaviour change in the home base of and& festival: “De Vaart” in Leuven. More specifically, we wanted to find an idea that could create more cohesion among the inhabitants of the neighbourhood.


We followed all the steps of a behavioural design process: 1. Define a clear desired behaviour objective. 2. Do a behavioural analysis. 3. Come up with ideas for behaviour change. 4. Prototype and test the most promising idea. The behavioural analysis was based on insights from 48 surveys filled out by locals, 2 focus groups and 7 expert interviews. This led to multiple ideas for cohesion interventions and ultimately one winning concept. This (podcast) concept was brought to live in 4 prototype episodes, which where then tested by 34 people.
